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Re: Snatch-Block Rusted Shut


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Dollies and snatch-blocks are two of the most used equipment items on a carrier or wrecker. Regarding snatch-blocks, because they're a rolling pulley with several moving parts, they NEED to be greased. This is especially true when snatch-blocks are stored atop a carrier's side box and exposed to moisture. I believe it's a driver's responsibility to ensure that the snatch-block has grease and all components, including the appropriate safety clip, are working. In this weekend's class, one of the many snatch-blocks we used hadn't see grease since the Civil War. There shouldn't be a time when the tower has to take some other object, "to beat the snot out of the twist knob", when it's frozen shut with rust. At the very least, a finger-tip full of boom or wheel-lift grease, on the knob's threads, will help the knob to easily screw and unscrew into and out from the snatch-block's faceplate. Owners, in your company, is this a driver's function or that of the shop's?       R.

Edited by rreschran

Randall C. Resch

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