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TowTimes.com - Mobile Phones — Extensions of Our Hands?

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Mobile phones have become an essential part of our daily lives for more than just being used as a communication device. According to a report from Consumer Affairs, customer review and consumer news platform, 97% of all Americans own a mobile phone; which is about 9 out of 10 of people.

Each day, Americans spend four hours and 30 minutes on mobile phones and check their phones 144 times per day. Over half of the world’s internet traffic comes from mobile phones. Mobile phones are used for work, email, photos, internet surfing, navigation, E-commerce/online shopping, social media, music/podcasts and watching clips, short videos and messages, learning, social networking and technology.

Nearly 57% of Americans consider themselves “mobile phone addicts.” Three in four admit to feeling uncomfortable without their phones, one in six sleep with their phones at night. Almost half say they panic when their battery drops below 20%, and roughly half of teens ages 13-27 are worried that they spend too much time on their phones.

Smart phones are not the only technology being used; laptops, tablets and wearable smart watches are some options too.

As I was filling up my vehicle at local gas station, I saw a woman carrying a trash bag in one hand and looking at her phone in another, a man walking his two dogs with their leashes in one hand and him looking at his phone in the other, along with three people looking at their phones waiting to order from the taco food truck in the parking lot.

The stats by Consumer Affairs are a reality check for me. It seems mobile phones have officially become extensions our hands.

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