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Safety Bill "HB4255" Signed by Governor (IL)

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Rep. Elik & Sen. Harriss’ Tow Truck Operators Safety Bill Signed by Governor




ALTON – Last week, Governor J.B. Pritzker signed HB4255 into law. This legislation, spearheaded by State Representative Amy Elik & State Senator Erica Harriss, bolsters safety protocols for tow truck operators and emergency responders throughout Illinois.


Under the new law, tow trucks and designated emergency vehicles will now be authorized to utilize green lighting in addition to amber and white when responding to incidents on roadways. This critical enhancement is designed to maximize visibility and situational awareness, significantly mitigating risks for both responders and the public.


Paw Paw’s Towing in Millstadt brought the need for this to the attention of Elik and Harriss following the loss of one of their drivers last November. The driver, Wade Bivens, was struck by a car while working a scene on Interstate 255 near Columbia.


"The enactment of HB4255 marks a pivotal step forward in safeguarding our emergency personnel," said Elik. "This legislation stands as a testament to our commitment to ensuring the safety of those who selflessly serve our communities."


Senator Harriss, Senate sponsor of HB4255, emphasized the significance of the legislation, stating, "This law is a crucial measure to protect our tow truck operators and emergency responders who face dangerous conditions every day. By allowing the use of green lighting alongside amber and white, we are enhancing their visibility and ensuring safer work environments."


This bipartisan initiative underscores Rep. Elik and Sen. Harriss’ commitment to prioritizing the safety and well-being of its first responders.


For more details on HB4255 and its implications, please visit www.ilga.gov. This legislation will take effect on January 1, 2025.



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I am 50 miles north of Chicago and I agree that we need to be safe. At one time I know, at least in Illinois green was meant for fire dept. command vehicles only. At a major incident the command vehicle would turn on the green light so everyone working the incident would know who was in charge of the scene and who to go to for instructions. That was not a law or in NFPA guide lines. It was something that started and everyone liked the idea and it became the standard. The big problem is the rogue towers that run around with their lights on all the time with no car on the flatbed or one car on the bed and nothing  in tow or a tow truck towing nothing. Especially around the Chicago area and its suburbs and law enforcement does nothing about it. I feel this is part of the problem of towers getting hit because the motoring public have seen this so much that some motorists just ignore the warning lights when they see them. So that puts the tower in more danger when he or she is doing there job along side of the road. I think green will work for a short while and it will be back to the same.  I did find out the reason for green is that during daylight  the sun can wash out the amber and green can still be seen. In my opinion, more public education on the matter is needed and law enforcement needs to start writing the tickets for improper use of lights. I feel there needs to be standards on a federal level that all states would have to abide by. Make it simple and in plain language. This is my opinion from a 68 year old tower. Everyone be safe out there and always keep your head on a swivel!

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I just found out the use of green lights by tow trucks will only be allowed while along side of the road or while in the road hooking up to a vehicle. Once you start moving they must be shut off.  They are to be used with the amber warning lights. And there can not be more green then amber.  The max would be 50 percent green to amber. This what I was just told by a person who was close to this issue in Springfield, Ill.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kudos for changing lighting laws for tow trucks, but I believe there's too much focus on lighting versus the more serious subject of tow operator survival and safety when working on-highway scenarios. Adding colors to tow truck lighting leads to a towers false sense of security. There should be greater focus on ammending existing tow truck (securement and tie-down) laws where on-highway towers are allowed to provide minimal securement to the traffic side of the wrecker or carrier. Doing so keeps the tower away from dangerous approaching traffic. As in the pedestrian strike of tower, Wade Bivins, he reportedly "was walking around the left side of the tow truck", when struck." Perhaps State Representative Amy Elik & State Senator Erica Harriss can use the momentum of HB4255 to revise and ammend Illinois tow truck securement laws?

Randall C. Resch

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