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DOT worker struck, killed on I-91 in Wallingford 06.28.24 (CT)

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TowForce will be following news related to the death of Andrew D Domenico









06.28.24 - CTDOT and CEUI Statements on Death of Andrew DiDomenico


Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) Commissioner Garrett Eucalitto and Connecticut Employees Union Independent (CEUI) President Carl Chisem released the following statements following the death of CTDOT employee Andrew DiDomenico, 26, who was killed today while working on the Wharton Brook Connector in Wallingford.


Commissioner Eucalitto said: "Our entire agency is heartbroken by Andrew’s tragic death. Our sympathies are with his family, friends, and loved ones. Roadside workers are always in harm’s way and what happened today is the nightmare scenario no one wants to see happen. Andrew had his life cut tragically short and the bright future ahead of him will no longer be realized. It’s hard to express the absolute sadness, shock, and outrage the 3,200 men and women of the Connecticut DOT are feeling in this moment. As we all continue processing today’s horrible events, we ask the public to slow down and pay attention to help make sure we all get home alive."


CEUI President Chisem said: "Our entire union is deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Andrew. Our thoughts and condolences go out to his family, friends, and loved ones. Our DOT union members face constant dangers on our roads, bridges and highways, no one should sacrifice their life for their job. Our top priority as a union has always been safety first and what occurred today is a devastating situation everyone hopes to avoid. Andrew's promising future was abruptly cut short, leaving us all with profound sorrow, shock, and disbelief. The men and women at the Connecticut Employees Union Independent across all agencies are struggling to come to terms with the loss of their union brother. As we process this heartbreaking news, we urge the public to drive cautiously and compassionately to ensure our roads are safe. Connecticut drivers need take responsibility for the safety of everyone on the roads and slow down."



Josh Morgan, CTDOT

Communications Director


Kate Sullivan, CEUI Local 511

Communications Director



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The time has come for our Industry to create a plan for a Nationwide Day of Mourning with trucks on Interstate roadsides with lights on with PD who will ticket those who do not move over and slow down. It’s not an either-or, it’s both. All other groups seem to be allowed to protest without retribution it’s The Towing & Recovery Industries' turn.

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@Chuck Schmidt I have called for this action for several years. However, I have been met with opposition or fallen on deaf ears. It seems the outrage fades and grieving families are often forgotten. Well many of us in the Industry never forget our Fallen. First Responders, Tow Truck Operators, DOT Workers anyone working on the roadside desires better protection. When that fails consequences for a driver's actions must be held accountable with stiff penalties. The Number of Law Enforcement Officers struck and killed in 2024 is nearly double that of Tow Truck Operators. I would have thought that would increase the response to bring more awareness for all of us working on the roadways. But, it hasn't and the death count continues to grow. Today marks 69 days since a Tow Truck Operator was struck and killed. I pray every day that I do not search the news and find another member of our industry has not lost their life.

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Death of CT DOT worker on the job hits home for tow truck drivers



As the state continues to mourn the death of a Department of Transportation worker, we’re taking a closer look at the risks non-emergency workers face working on the side of roads and highways.


When tow truck driver Ted Jerolmon responds to a call, there’s one thing that goes through his head.


“There’s not a single accident that I pull up on or even helping a stranded motorist that I hope this isn’t the time,” he said.


Jerolmon says he works on the side of a highway about twice a week and is always scanning for speeding or erratic drivers.


“When you have to step out of your vehicle, whether it’s a side road or a main highway, it’s tough,” he said.


He says the death of DOT worker Andrew DiDomenico hits hard as a non-emergency worker on the road. State police say DiDomenico was working when he was struck and killed by an impaired driver Friday morning. She’s facing multiple charges including driving under the influence and failure to slow down and move over.


“Just the thought of the family or someone having to call someone’s family and telling them they’re not coming home. It’s tough,” Jerolmon said.


He had a close call last year with a driver in Downtown Milford during a towing call with a car taking out his truck door.


“If I had another thirty seconds and started to swing my legs out the door, I don’t if I would be standing here literally today,” Jerolmon said.


He says driver awareness about Connecticut’s Move Over Law is needed and wants it done in schools. He’s also making it visible on his own truck.


“We try to have the slow down, move over logo on our trucks, shirts, put it anywhere we can to try to keep at the forefront of people’s minds,” Jerolmon said.



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