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Agero-Swoop Referral Program


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Since many who are NOT contracted with Agero-Swoop are NOT accepting their credit cards anymore due to the extremely high amount of credit card chargeback cases (FRAUD) that Agero-Swoop is doing, I've noticed that they have now launched yet another "new" program: "The Agero-Swoop Referral Program" where they just email dispatches to you without calling and leave the customers waiting! With this new program, they are now telling the customers that YOU are assigned to the dispatch and that YOU are already on the way to help the customer, all the while YOU know nothing about the dispatch (you didn't receive a telephone call from Agero-Swoop, you didn't call the customer and the customer didn't call you).


I speculate that this is a new method for the outsourced (foreign) call center reps to be able to improve their "call handling rating" which is where the dispatchers have a performance rating of how quickly they can handle a dispatch and get someone to accept it and assign the dispatch to any provider... Since MANY are not accepting credit cards from Agero-Swoop (as explained above) the dispatchers are suffering a hit top their performance ratings, so by just blindly dropping a call onto a (non-contract) provider who they already have an email address for due to prior history, it allows them to now "point the finger" and pass the blame at YOU for not showing up!


I've recently heard of others who have received poor Google Review ratings from these upset customers. Also, in some cases, the customers aren't even being told by Agero-Swoop that they will have to pay out-of-pocket for the services when you arrive, so if you happen to see the email and dispatch a truck to provide service, it's a surprise to the customer when you ask for payment as they state that they "already pay for the roadside assistance as part of their [insert program name here]".  This new method of Agero-Swoop shifting the blame to a non-contracted provider is not acceptable. 


All-in-All as non-contract providers of our services, I do recommend that we, as an industry, take this oppertunity to take back our industry from the motor clubs! The customers are paying for whatever program they have and expecting to receive the roadside assistance when they need it and Agero-Swoop is NOT able to provide the services and leases stranded motorists to sit for HOURS on end, only to finally tell the customer that they will need to pay for services themselves and submit for a reimbursement request. THIS IS OUR OPPERTUNITY TO TAKE IT BACK!


We provide the actual services needed by the customers and we bill them directly, along with setting our own rate for said services. I encourage everyone that handles a customer in this situation to fully explain to the customer that the roadside assistance programs use a thirt party administrator as the middle man for dispatching and how their motor club model of services actually works. Take the oppertunity to Win Our Customers Back by providing exceptionally great services, along with being educational to the customer about why they should consider dropping whatever program they had been paying for and instead just source their own local service provider when they are in need of help, instead of being at the mercy of the motor club to price show the call to death while leaving the customer stranded for hours! Consider this a Public Service Educational Campaign to educate the Motoring Public about the actual methods of how the motor clubs operate.





~ I'm not an attorney, nor do I represent to be one. I provide my personal opinion and that on behalf of myself, my company and our operations.

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I give you lots of credit for trying to solve this underhanded problem.
How do you purpose that we get this work when the stranded motorist is relying on their motorclub to dispatch someone? I am not dedicated enough to have emails forwarded to my phone and check them around the clock in an effort to contact the motorclub customer.
How do you suggest that we handle to unwarranted bad reviews do to the motorclub telling their customer that we are “on the way”? We could reply to the bad reviews with an explanation that we never knew of or accepted the job. We can ask for the unwarranted bad reviews to be removed, but I won’t hold my breath waiting for it.

I have thought about making a ‘facts of motorclubs’ flyer explaining  how the motorclub customers call is handled ( and paid ) behind the scenes and attaching this flyer to every invoice, handing them out at community events, and or paying for their advertisement.


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